Monday, March 17, 2014


Today we are spreading Calcitic Lime on the greens.  As I mentioned before, we apply calcitic lime at a rate of 10 lbs/1000ft monthly in order to keep our calcium levels adequate and raise or CEC.  CEC stands for Cation Exchange Capacity and refers to the soils (or sand) ability to hold onto nutrients.
This weekend, we also fertilized greens with a 13-2-13 fertilizer.  This means for every 100lbs of fertilizer, 13% is Nitrogen, 2% is Phosphorous and 13% is Potassium.  The nitrogen source is the primary element responsible for speeding plant growth.  In this particular fertilizer, Ammonium Sulfate is used because it allows the turf to respond better in cool weather. 

Interestingly, I noticed some of the Poa annua on greens and particularly collars, took a beating this winter.  You can see the white appearance it has in this photo of the 7th green. I am looking forward to seeing how it responds once we get into good growing temperatures.